Tuesday, September 6, 2011

"Temple Grandin" September 6, 2011

Wow.  So, Ben and I rented the made for tv movie entitled "Temple Grandin".  For those that don't know, this is a movie about a woman who was diagnosed with Autism in the 1950s.  Back then the common "treatment" was sending those with Autism into institutions.  Temple Grandin is an amazing testimony to proving the "professionals" wrong.  She was able to manage her Autism by using it to her advantage.  She saw in pictures and was able to use those pictures to create amazing technology that is being used today.  She is a PH.D and a professor at Colorado State.  She is also one of the leading advocates for Autism.  She speaks all around the nation.  IN FACT...she is coming to EKU September 22!!!!!  AND I AM GOING!  :)  I was so encouraged by this movie because I could see the Lord's hand in this woman's life.  I dont' know if she is a Christian or even believes in God, but to see the amazing "coincidences" that occured to allow her to come up with the amazing technology that is being used to this day is simply miraculous.  This movie also allowed me to gain an even better perspective on how to see Ryan.  Sometimes I think, "why isn't he getting it?  I have told him this a million times..."  But he thinks differently and I need to be able to dig deeper and see how he thinks and capitalize on that.  There is great potential in Ryan and I know I haven't even begun to scratch the surface!  I can't wait to see how the Lord leads him...it's going to be big!!  In the words of Temple Grandin, Ryan may be different, but he is NOT less!